Preparing for Disasters Overview: Page #6.

1….Group Defense Discussions.

2….Group Defense means planning for, training, and implementing passive as well as active defense of your group to which you belong. Also included will be as needed, active offense Ops.

  1. Planning includes all activities to secure your compound, be it temporary or permanent.

  2. Rules of engagement should be clearly defined in defense, as well as offensive Ops.

  3. Will Deadly Force be used? When? In defense? Offense? Both?

  4. How far will D.F. be used, and on whom?

           1. Military Type forces?

           2. Civilian Thugs?

           3. Starving refugees?

           4. A comprehensive list of potential types of encounters should be drawn up.

           5. The problem is, most events don’t give us a warning before they happen, so we plan and train.

      5. If no deadly Force to be used, what do you do with prisoners you capture in conflicts?

           1. Where will you keep prisoners?

           2. How long will you keep them?

           3. How will you feed them, and what strain will that put on your resources?

           4. How will you deal with the Psychological effect of your decisions about them?

       6. If taking prisoners is not an option.

           1. What will you do. Will you drive them away?

           2. Will you disarm them? If so how will they defend themselves, or will you care?

           3. What if they come back? Will you use more force, even D.F. this time?

           4. If so, how will you feel about that as a group after you have seen their humanity?

       7. What will you do about the trauma, members of your group experience from D.F. Use?

           1. How will you address and deal with symptoms of P.T.S.?

           2. On members of your group, men and boys, and women and girls?

           3. On yourself and close family members to you?

       8. D.F. conflict discussions.

           1. What precautions will you use to protect your, and your member’s Faith and Humanity.

           2. What prior and current thinking will help when DF is used.

           3. What prior and current thinking will help when injuries or death occurs during Ops.

           4. Why Think about these things before an event?

           5. If you don’t think about these issues before, you and your group will most likely be unable to act.

           6. It goes back to Train, Train, Train.

           7. This inability to act as a team will most likely cause injuries, death, and the trauma you wish to avoid.

Note: You would not want to have your child”s teacher tell you when you ask him or her what they are going to teach your child, say to you that they were just going to wing it as they went along. You would expect a plan of action regarding the subject to be taught.

Well, how much more should you have a plan of action in addition to all the physical logistics of food, water, etc. What plan do you have to deal with the emotional and spiritual issues of a group, trying to live life in a chaotic scenario where all hell breaks loose and there are no rules but those you make up as you go along. Hunger and greed make deadly bedfellows in a society that is cascading down to one of survival of the fittest. We all saw that in Hurricane Katrina, and the black out on the East Coast.

So, how do we, or how will we maintain our humanity and our Faith in a world such as that. Just take the time to view some of the history of WWII on cable and ask yourself how you would have fared in that time, and not just during the war years, but after the war when food was non-existent? People don’t realize that over 5 million died in the post war years in the war zone areas, mostly from starvation, disease, and the strong taking from the weak.

So if the lights went out tomorrow due to E.M.P. how long do you think society will be normal, before it cascades into chaos?  This article outline is meant to spark thinking of these what ifs and your responses.

This article is meant to shed light on the adrenaline rush many feel when they think of times like these.  If you have never been in a war zone and seen the carnage, and the impact of your actions on other human beings, the shock will be unlike anything you have ever experienced.  The memories will be with you while awake and while asleep as you wrestle with the rightness of your actions and their consequences on others you went to battle against.  Brash Bravado will not settle the memories, only peace will come from someone outside yourself.