Preparing for Disasters Overview: Page #5.

1….Further Discussions on your Route to Your Place of Safety
2….Selecting your Safe place destination.

  • The travel distance must be doable for all members of your party.
  • Can you get to your destination during all times of the year, even winter?
  • The main and alternate routes must be navigable by all in your party.
  • Problems with each route, be it the main or alt ones, must be solvable.
  • You must be able to mitigate ALL P.E. Challenges to get to your destination.
  • Plan for a primary vehicle failure due to P.E. and use other trans means to get to Safety.
  • Plan to go by bicycle, or on foot if needed to get to safety.
  • Change up travel time if needed from day to night, or reverse of that.
  • In all forms of Transport, have protection of Family unit planned for.
  • Go through the discussion of DEADLY FORCE. What it means, looks like, feels like, sounds like.
  • If a person of faith, DF is a concept you need to come to grips with.  DF concept discussed later on.
  • There is strength in numbers. If you are short on numbers, then stealth must be your MO.
  • Be spatially and situation-ally aware of your surroundings and trust your gut feel regarding danger.
  • The timing of your G. O. O. D. is very important, and cannot be stressed enough.
  • It goes w/o saying that the time to leave should be before a P.E.
  • The problem is, most P.E.s are not predictable and thus don’t give us a heads up.
  • So preparation and drilling are the keys to getting out ahead of the masses if you are in a city. Practice, Practice, on getting out.
  • If the travel distance to your safe area is long, can you make that distance on foot if you had to.
  • Can you all carry all your needed supplies, even with caches along the way.
  • Do you have the skills for medical problems along the way.
  • Have you made the mental decision to protect you and yours as needed, and with what level of force.

3…Is the safe place destination with a family member or friend.

  • If so, have you communicated with them about your coming and staying.
  • Have you or, can you preposition supplies at their place before any P.E.
  • Do they have the same mindset as you do about prepping for disasters.
  • What level of trust do you ave in them, and they in you.

4…Talk long and deep enough about your coming to know you are all on the same page.

  • How will leadership be handled when you arrive.  Them, You, or a Committee.
  • How will duties be assigned and to whom, under what criteria.
  • How will problems be solved. How will different operations be led and by whom.
  • What are potential problems that could arise between you and them.
  • What skills do you bring to the group. What skills do they bring as well.
  • Is everyone on the same page regarding retreat defense, and rules for conflict.
  • Is there compatibility of weapons for redundancy and spare parts in times of conflict.

5…Standard Ops Terms

  • Are there S.O. Terms that are understood by all in the group.
  • Radios, how and when to use so D. F.  can be minimized.
  • How to maintain safety with weapons in field and at retreat.
  • What are the geographical boundaries of each operation team so no chance of friendly fire.
  • What is the physical health limitations of each member so they can be best used in the OP.
  • What is the emotional health of each member so people are not put into more stress.
  • Do all members have the same faith, and is that an issue, good or bad.

5…Who is the Leader and what is Their authority

  • Can it be challenged or changed if stress warrants it.
  • All members of the group must buy into the OP or it doesn’t happen.
  • Leader must talk through the OP until all buy into it,  or the OP is changed or scrubbed.
  • Should the retreat ever be moved and under what circumstances.
  • How and when, should or can the group disband, and under what circumstances.
  • What milestone will confirm that group should disband.

6… Resource Sharing.

  • Should Charity be given to strangers.
  • Should strangers be brought into the group.
  • Why not? Why?
  • If yes, What skills should they bring. What resources do they need to bring.
  • What liabilities would they bring with them.
  • If no resources, what impact will they be on existing resources.
  • What will their impact be on relationships existing in the group.
  • If you bring them into the group and they become incompatable, how will you get them to leave.
  • Will they become an enemy with knowledge of what you have and your weaknesses when they leave.