In our world, this Word is used for preparations that will sustain you in any and all types of situations from Natural to Man Made in origin. The word spelled out is The End Of The World As We Know It”.  You can imagine the intensity of this word as it applies to situations you may have seen on TV or in Print, such as the 9.0 or greater earthquake in Japan, or a terrorist attack by ISIS maybe.  What this word defines is the fact that ALL basic human goods and services that sustain life are gone or going very fast.  Society, as we are all know it to be, is morphing into something else, or will be doing so very soon.  It is in this new normal that we find ourselves and want to be able to provide ourselves with the 10 Essentials of life so we can transition from life before the event, to through the event, and finally to a place of normality that allows us to weather the long term storm of the event we are faced with. So with this word in mind let’s look at how we can prepare for such an event.


Preparing for Disasters Overview: Page #1.

1….Any Event that causes us to want to prepare for it is called a “P.E. or Precipitating Event.”

  1. We all have P.E.s that are indigenous to where we live in the U.S. or the World.
  2. East Coast has Snow storms and Hurricanes.
  3. Mid West and South has Tornadoes.
  4. Upper Mid west has Floods and Blizzards.
  5. West Coast has Earthquakes and Forest Fires
  6. Mid West Canadian Border States have Blizzards and Extreme Cold.
  7. Radiation washing ashore from Fukushima Japan Nuke Disaster on to West Coast Beaches.


2….In Addition we have P.E.s that can affect the whole U.S., or large Portions.

  1. Heat Waves over large portions of U.S.
  2. Cold Snaps over large portions of U.S.
  3. Pandemics such as H1N1 Flu, Etc.
  4. Protests that become Civil Unrest.
  5. Radiation Contamination from a Nuke Power Plants crisis.
  6. Acts of Terrorism such as 911.
  7. Religious, Racial, Gender, or Sexual Persecution.
  8. Financial Collapse of the Banking system; Stock Market collapse; Free Fall of the Value of the Dollar.
  9. Run-Away inflation due to the collapse.
  10. E.M.P. – ElectroMagnetic Pulse, or loss of portions if not all of the Electrical grid due to Acts of Terror, or a C.M.E. from the Sun.
  11. Government take-over from within U.S., by factions.
  12. War from outside the U.S. brought to our shores.
  13. Being hit by a Near Earth Asteroid, less than an E.L.E. ( Extinction Level Event ).
  14. Yellowstone Super-Volcano explosion.