Family Emergency Planning & Communication

Emergency Event Communication & Planning


Take Time to Learn as you develop your plan


Everything starts with Communication. What is it?

  1. It Is the Giving and/or Receiving of Information.
  2. Information is Power.
  3. Fear often comes from the unknown. The more we know about any given situation we are facing, the less fearful we will be and the more decisive and confident we will be that we can overcome it.
  4. Accurate information is important and allows us to make informed decisions.

How can communication be affected by an emergency?


Nature of the emergency can affect communication.


  1. Power interruption.
  2. Phone lines down.
  3. Cell service out.
  4. Severity of the emergency will affect the level of news you get.
  5. Areas Affected by the event will determine if you are affected.
  6. Evacuation or Sheltering in Place may be determined by news from Authorities.
  7. Other Instructions from Authorities may not get to you.
  8. Word of mouth from neighbors may give you news you have missed.
  9. Estimated duration of an event will determine the level of communication.
  10. Neighbors’ Status will affect what you hear and be a sounding board for rumors.
  11. Family Members’ Status will be an anxiety issue that can lead to fear.


Things to Remember


  • Fear is your worst enemy in an emergency, especially if you or yours has sustained injuries.
  • Fear leads to Panic if left unchecked.  Panic grows to confusion and inaction.
  • Do Not rely on one source of information, or a single form of communication, in an emergency situation.
  • Ask yourself; What information do I need first, second, third, etc?
    Note: Not all of the information you seek, is necessary before a decision of how to act can be made.


Emergency Information Sources


  1. Radio and Television if they are up.
  2. E.A.S. (Emergency Alert System) if it is up.
  3. N.O.A.A. Weather Radio (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) if it is up.
  4. Public Address Communications by Authorities from vehicles, Street by Street.
  5. Phone, Land and Cell if they are up.
    Phone lines are often clogged or down in an emergency.
  6. Face to Face Communication with neighbors, friends, people you meet.
  7. Everyone should take responsibility to be “eyes & ears” in their communities. Become a member of a CERT team. ( Citizens Emergency Response Team ).
  8. 2 Way Radio such a FRS / CB Radio.
    CB Channel 9 is Nationwide channel for emergency use.
  9. Shortwave HAM Radio. This is real backbone of Emergency Com for the US.
  10. Reverse 911 / check this out to see if this is available in your area.


Emergency Signaling.


This means Be Seen, or Be Heard.


  1. Mobile Phone if the system is up.
  2. 2 Way Radios, FRS, CB, HAM.
  3. Signal Whistle because Whistles can be heard further and take less energy than yelling.
  4. Fire and/or Smoke, only if it is different than the event. If fires are burning all around you how will authorities differ you from the rest?
  5. Laser Pointer on a flashlight or pistol grip – Point a laser straight up into the sky at night. DO NOT point Lasers at air planes.
  6. Flashlight with or w/o laser LEDs.
  7. Mirrors or any reflective materials. Only good if you have sunlight or other strong light source. learn how to signal with a mirror.
  8. Ground Signs are silent signals. Depending upon terrain.
    Step out “HELP” in fresh snow or sand. Must be big letters to be seen from the air.
    Also Arrange letters with rocks, dead fall small logs or branches.
  9. Paper Message written and placed at pee-determined places, or made into an airplane and tossed to where it can be found.
  10. Learn and Follow Neighborhood Code Plans. Many communities already have “codes” in place.


Universal Color Codes for you to present on home, car, aircraft, etc.


  • Green – OK,
  • Yellow – Minor Injuries,
  • Red – Need Help Immediately,
  • Black – Deceased.

Prepare For the Emergencies you feel are a possibility.



Organize Your Family Communication Plan


  1. Discuss with family about different emergency situations and how you would all react.
  2. Decide who is going to do what, when, where & how.
  3. Choose a family “Secret Code Word” that is your family code for where you all will meet and regroup as a family, practice how to use it.
  4. Learn Work, School & Day Care Emergency Plans if those places have one.
    Gather all contact information for each area of family member contact.
  5. Determine who should be a Family out of state Emergency Contact person.
    Get permission now from your contact and let them know what their role is.
  6. Draw up a Family Emergency Calling Tree; people you need to know if they are ok.

Build or buy Emergency Kits ( we use Backpacks ) and add the following to each kit.



Add a Written Copy of All Emergency Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers. Include:



  1. Each Family Member: name, age, physical description, allergies, medications.
  2. Pictures of each family member for posting or hand out.
  3. Work – address, phone numbers, location directions.
  4. School – address, phone numbers, Location directions.
  5. Local Family Meeting Site #1, #2.
  6. Out of area Family Meeting Site #1, #2.
  7. Out of State Contact person, address, phone#.
  8. Medical Insurance Card, policy #, agent phone #.
  9. Home Insurance Card, policy #, agent phone #.
  10. Auto Insurance Card, policy #, agent phone #.
  11. Doctor Information for each person, with phone #s.
  12. Dentist Information for family, with phone #.
  13. Fire Emergency & Non-emergency phone #s.
  14. Police Emergency & Non-emergency phone #s.
  15. Ambulance Emergency & Non-emergency phone #s.
  16. Pharmacist Phone Numbers with the following for each person.
  17. List all medications, RX #s, the amount, and schedule when to take them.
  18. Utility Emergency #s for, Gas / Electric / Water Utilities.
  19. Veterinarian contact # for those who have pets.




  1. Calling Out of State Family Contact.
  2. Family Emergency Calling Tree.
  3. Practice Emergency Signaling with different materials.


Periodic Maintenance Items.


  1. Check and Update Emergency Kits & Supplies.
  2. Check Batteries & Power Sources for functionality.
  3. Test & make sure all Equipment is in good working order.
  4. Keep information and family pictures up to date.
  5. Teach children how & when to call emergency numbers.
  6. Post Emergency Numbers near Phones & in each person’s Emergency Kit.