Preparing for Disasters Overview: Page #7.

1….Kids & Women Discussions.

2….What level of involvement will kids and women be allowed in defensive duties in group & why?

  1. What age will kids be trained in self defense?

  2. What mental age will self defense be taught to kids?

  3. What cautions and or instructions about S.D. will be taught?

  4. Cautions about D.F.  If D.F. is to be used, when, and why use it? Where on Combatant to use.

            1. Center mass if using a firearm. Distance defense.

            2. Crotch if kicking. Close order combat.

            3. Eyes if gouging. Close order combat.

            4. Voice box if crushing. Close order combat.

            5. Close order combat to be used if combatant superior in size.

      5. A very clear and deep discussion of death needs to be communicated to kids at this point.

            1. What does it mean to take a life? What will be the result of that on the child emotions, faith?

            2. D.F. needs to be kept in perspective, relative to alternative.

            3. If D.F. was not used, what would the outcome be for the child and others??

            4. Go over outcomes. Capture, enslavement, rape, murder, used as a tool to destroy group.

            5. Maybe D.F. prevents others from capture, enslavement, rape, murder, etc.

            6 Note: Go over; All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. WWII, ISIS.

      6. What activities to employ to encourage kids to be kids? To counter depression, and P.T.S.

            1. Encourage age appropriate play, such as sports, inside or out.

            2. Games and puzzles for single or group activities? Hobbies, such as wood carving, fishing.

            3. Encourage childish activities, letting kids be kids and not grow up too quick.

            4. Allow them to experience childhood as much as possible. Life will limit that as it is.

      7. Allow kids to cry, express pain, anger, frustration, even depression and hopelessness.

            1. Validate their feeling of pain, frustration, anger. Encourage with “ these will pass w/ time.

            2. Watch for depression, lethargy, hopelessness. If noted, take them out of defensive actions.

            3. Counter all down emotions w/ our reality in Christ. He’s our Hope, Our Help. Pray, & Pray.

      8. When kids take on an adult role how and what cautions should be employed?

            1. Guard duty. Start only with an adult as partner showing O.J.T..

            2. Patrol Duty. If used, only with an adult as O.J.T. partner.

            3. Escape and evasion Techniques. Train, Train, Train…..

      9. When kids appear to be getting calloused by events.

            1. Find and incorporate humor into their lives, funny things that have happened.

            2. Joke with them, play harmless tricks on them. Self depreciate yourself in front of them.

            3. Validate their reality at the time, but stress the need to be human and young as well.

                  1. What does this time in their life mean to them.

                  2. When will all this end, and how will it end? Jesus will be coming back.

                  3. Express physical and emotional love to them with Praise, Hugs, Encouragement.

      10. Women’s roles in the group are much more complex than kids.

             1. As roles for each group member are determined, most will be multi-faceted.

             2. Women are adept at this more than men since they multi task better.

             3. Let them determine each role they feel called to do.

             4. Their physical stature may be a factor in what they are best suited for.

             5. D.F. is a discussion needed due to their capacity for empathy and emotion.

             6. Good D.F. starting point might be defensive posture response such as kids, center mass, etc.

             7. They might need to be included in discussions of Death with kids 1st, in depth later.

             8. Women need outlets for relaxation and fun; Reading, puzzles, hand craft hobbies, etc.

             9. Women will need physical contact with their significant other after stress event; Hugs, Being held

                 and reassured that God is in control, and we will get through this.

           10. When she takes on an active defense job, such as guard/patrol duty, teach her with another adult.

           11. Included her in Escape/Evasion training. Train, Train, Train.

           12. If she is involved in nursing/doctoring, provide stress relief and occasion to talk about what she is

                 feeling in general, but more specifically with any event that is unsettling for her.

           13. Her man, ( husband ) and men in general, will have to watch out for her and kids as events    


Note: This is a general layout of an operational plan for a group of mixed genders, most likely families who know each other well or somewhat well. This is a reader’s digest version and is meant to be a 1st layer of many, based upon the group’s location, numbers, assets such as food, weapons, skills, etc. It is based upon a completed breakdown of Gov due to Fin Collapse, E.M.P., War on C.O.N.U.S., or a complete take over of US by The biblical boogeyman, the Antichrist. Obviously now we see only the little events, moves, and laws being enacted, but it may come on the scene in our lifetimes if God allows it. So we pray that it doesn’t happen, while we plan for it to happen.